
Father's Day Card

This is the card I made for hubby this year:


I used his own photograph which he digitaly enhanced by taking out a modern boat that was in the forground - yup he's pretty clever.  Then he softed the image.  He made a Sepia toned print and framed it himself.  I used one with just a hint of color, to go along with a scrapbook paper map that looks vintage and has old clippers much like in his photograph.


I trimmed & glued (using PRO GLUE RUNNER) a piece of scrapbooking paper (vintage map with clipper ships) to fit inside card.  Printed my own Father's Day Sentiment Poem on parchment cardstock and glued it in again with pro glue runner.  Added a smaller print of hubby's photo.


I made the old fashioned closure by punching out circles of cardstock that I glued to scraps of the map paper.  Punched hole in center, added grommet & attached to card concealing it between the  layers of  card and scrapbook paper.  With one I added a string before pinching the grommet.  Now the card can be tied for giving, then untied by the receiver. 

* I had much grander plans for this card, but I started it just moments before hubby phoned to say he was on his way home.  I will make another card with the added details and post in the future.

By the way my hubby loved this card, guess cause it had something of him in it too!  : )

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your card for you husband is gorgeous! Where did you find the ship? I love anything with a nautical theme and your design is truly elegant. I'm inspired to attempt something like this myself. Are you making the image available?
